Saturday, October 11, 2014

Black-ish pilot is a promising start

The previews did this show no justice. It looked like it was going to be very clichéd and stereotypical. While some parts were stereotypical, other parts were genuinely funny. The writing could be better, though. Although the pilot's writing was rather all over- the-place, Anthony Anderson carried it, as he embraced and fit into his character impeccably.
Dre Johnson (Anthony Anderson) is an upper class African American. Despite his success, people are still disrespectful towards him. Due to his kids go to a primary white school, he is seeing his kids become less black. He consequently tries to do certain things to "keep it real". In essence, he does not want his family to turn into a white family or "sellout".
The story and characters' motives, as stated above, were a little vague; however, the acting is very good and the characters are likable. They would be better off allowing the characters to bring the laugh, because the laughter from the writing fell short. The "them vs. us" scene, for example, was unrealistic, prejudice and flat out cringe worthy.
This show is worth giving a shot. It has promise and it is something different. Although the pilot was not great start, it has promise and it will be interesting to see

1 comment:

  1. I was watching this show last night and my mom came in and sat down. after a few minutes she said :can you imagine what would happen if we created a show called white-ish". after that i didnt even watch the show the same because all i could think about was the kind of drama that would come with the show white-ish and how people would complain until it was canceled.
